This is my beautiful girl, Tessa. She is a rescued 10 year old blue merle Australian shepherd. Tessa is as sweet as she looks and I love her big time. She came to live with us 5 years ago after being removed from a puppy-mill-like situation a year before that. Tessa loves peace and quiet and finds there's no place like home - even going to the neighbours backyard for a play date is too far, so home we go and all is right in Tessa's world again.

This is Maizee our 9 year old Greyhound/English Pointer mix. She too is a rescue - she was surrendered to the Toronto Humane Society immediately after being hit by a car. Her owner couldn't afford the vet bills and so took her directly to the shelter, which sounds crappy, but she wouldn't be with us otherwise, so thank you heartless dog caretaker, thank you. Maizee has been with us for 3 years and she is one funny, funny dog. Her main thing is goosing - yeah that's right - sticking her nose in your bum when you least expect it and she's willing to goose total strangers on our walks. We usually call her Maizee-poop-a-loops and you can too!
So those are the girls, I will write about the cats (6) soon and some baking too!